Straight  Talk Aphorisms for the Weathered Few.

Re: A Relational Model Instead



The oppositional model (tribal/clan vs all other tribes/clans, male vs. AllOthers) has outlived its usefulness, having devolved to give form mainly to the predatory in and of us.  This oppositional way of perceiving being is now a danger to our survival.




Tribalism triggers belonging by pulling inclusion with “we share this” which transfers as meaning for those selves within.  But in tribal bonding, the “this” shared is not a sharing. “This shared” is a larcenous defining against, of not being that Other not-us.  This non-definition of self is based on distinction against the not-same which transfers, slippery slope, to shared fear which is the intoxicating fuel & actual bond of shared revulsion.  Then comes hate.




What if, instead, we held a relational model for defining self?  What if we generated self by the deep dig of growth from within reaching toward?   What if we practiced sharing this way in growing one another?




Opening, not containment/framing.  This allowing the synergistic meaning to radiate from that energetic spark between us.



What if we could understand and work to shape our tendencies of parasitism and larceny and then, rather, encourage a holding awareness of being?  & be witness to one another’s?

How to loosen that grip? Pick apart the mechanism.

That burning arc, combusting our similars to cinder.

There's joy in standing that fluid, hopeful shift.

Don't be afraid of the high winds here.


