Straight Talk Aphorisms for the Weathered Few.
Emotional Zing of our StoryTellings
It is the emotional zing alchemized and embodied in our storytellings that gives meaning to feelings of identity, kinship & place, not the medium itself – M. McLuhan notwithstanding. Although certainly, in generative works the form matches, encourages the message.
It was not the object-book that fulfilled a reader, but the experience of encounter found in the expression within. So it is with the Cyber.
As the Cyber, a tool, advances to fill every nook and cranny of our lives, any source of sustainable meaning that manages to escape The Sell’s methane burn-off becomes more precious.
This is not to be confused with being an Outsider, another voided & vacant commercial chimera in service to The Sell; a do-or dare capitalization on our ancient, tribal fear of being cast out.
Marks on a paper, once a commonplace. Imagine.
Hand in glove.
It's a possible, learning to recognize & encourage this precious.
As if. It’s all about keeping us at/inside those screenframes.
The World is Not Done Yet.