It Is Not All Loss
Here we are now. Gone beyond the meanings of our exhausted HeroStories, birthed from oldtime tellings, once so well set and disseminated by print culture.
Just now, as we're handing over the caretaker & carrier of our Knowledge Commons from Print to Cyber.
Just now, as we're deconstructing our gendered way of understanding one another, catalyzed by the opening out of WomanLife.
Timely gifts that might deepen comprehension of what we are to one another.
"I kept as still as I could. Nothing happened. I did not expect anything to happen. I was something that lay under the sun and felt it, like the pumpkins, and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy. Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air, or goodness and knowledge. At any rate, that is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great. When it comes to one, it comes as naturally as sleep."
My Antonia
Willa Cather
Narrative Shapeshifting